Sunday, October 20, 2013

Northern Lights gets Outstanding write up during Comic-con 2013 by!!

Northern Lights
Northern Lights just may be the coolest collaboration of science fiction that I have ever heard. As a book by fellow Long Islander, Tom Rico the weird becomes weirder and the strange becomes awesome. Based on the phenomenon that is based around the Northern Lights incident in Norway, Tom takes a story that is familiar, but not fully understood and expands upon it. All that I will say is that the spiral that the incident is so widely known for may or may not be home to an alien space ship while the spreading of legionnaires disease caused by the aliens infects the human race. This infection spreads across the world, turning humans into zombies. This mix of the two most popular characters/creatures in science fiction and horror is what really intrigues me and creates an excitement for a book that I have not often felt. Check it out online at Amazon or any other major book retailers.
Verdict- Reader or not, this is one book that should not be missed by gamers, comic book enthusiasts or anyone looking for something unique and original.

Link to article:

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Video Game for Northern Lights?

Wanna Kill Zombies under the Northern Lights?

 Send your support to Structure Gaming: Link Below 

Contact them and let them know how AWESOME this idea is

Northern Lights / Zombies / Ancient Aliens / Pandemic

All in one AMAZING game

Read the book:


Monday, October 14, 2013

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A Beautiful Apocalypse! Northern Lights by T.Rico

Zombies ushered forth by the Northern Lights display 

Maybe the Northern Lights aren't what you think?

Read Northern Lights by T.Rico

Come see me at Comic-Con this week booth # 241